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How to Identify and Avoid Pump-and-Dump Schemes in Online Trading

How to Identify and Avoid Pump-and-Dump Schemes in Online Trading

Learn how to identify and avoid pump-and-dump schemes in online trading. This article provides a detailed guide to recognizing and protecting against these fraudulent practices.

News 2024-07-27 08:30
EuropeFX Director Pedro Sasso Banned for Five Years by ASIC

EuropeFX Director Pedro Sasso Banned for Five Years by ASIC

The Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) has announced a significant decision regarding Pedro Eduardo Sasso, the director of Maxi EFX Global AU Pty Ltd (EuropeFX). Effective from May 6, 2024, Mr. Sasso has been banned from serving as a director or controlling an entity that operates a financial services business for a period of five years.

News 2024-07-27 08:00
Dubai-Based Gang Busted for Navi Mumbai Forex Fraud

Dubai-Based Gang Busted for Navi Mumbai Forex Fraud

Navi Mumbai police bust a Dubai-based gang involved in forex trading fraud, recovering Rs 9.75 lakh from the accused. Another victim lost over Rs 8 crore.

News 2024-07-26 18:04
CFI signs Lewis Hamilton as New Brand Ambassador

CFI signs Lewis Hamilton as New Brand Ambassador

CFI, a prominent online trading platform, has announced a partnership with Lewis Hamilton, a seven-time Formula 1TM World Champion, as its new Global Brand Ambassador.

News 2024-07-26 17:37
Are All Those “Investment” Opportunities in Malaysia Actually Scams?

Are All Those “Investment” Opportunities in Malaysia Actually Scams?

The word “investment” has undergone a significant transformation over recent years. Once associated with legitimate financial growth opportunities, it has become increasingly tainted by scams and fraudulent schemes. This shift is particularly noticeable in Malaysia, where a surge of so-called “investment” opportunities has led to widespread scepticism.

News 2024-07-26 17:34
Blueberry Markets Launches Prop Trading Services with Blueberry Funded

Blueberry Markets Launches Prop Trading Services with Blueberry Funded

Blueberry Markets, a forex and contracts for differences (CFDs) broker, has announced the launch of its own prop trading services under the new brand, Blueberry Funded.

News 2024-07-26 17:09
How Super Typhoon Carina Disrupted PH Financial Markets

How Super Typhoon Carina Disrupted PH Financial Markets

Super Typhoon Carina caused a shutdown of financial markets in the Philippines, leading to trading suspensions and disruptions across banking services.

News 2024-07-26 16:56
NCM Investment: FCA Authorization and Market Expansion

NCM Investment: FCA Authorization and Market Expansion

Recently, NCM Investment has been authorized by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) as NCM Financial UK Ltd.

News 2024-07-26 16:53
 FCA granted authorization to NCM Financial UK Ltd.

FCA granted authorization to NCM Financial UK Ltd.

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has officially granted authorization to Kuwait based online brokerage NCM Financial UK Ltd.

News 2024-07-26 16:00
Robinhood Introduces Joint Investing Accounts

Robinhood Introduces Joint Investing Accounts

Robinhood now offers joint investing accounts, allowing customers to manage investments with their partners while combining their shared investments.

News 2024-07-26 15:15
IG Group Posts Weak Results as Market Volatility Eases

IG Group Posts Weak Results as Market Volatility Eases

IG Group reports declining financial performance amidst stable market conditions. Revenue falls, but interest income rises. Strategic cuts and new leadership aim for future growth.

News 2024-07-26 14:56
Philippine Forex Trading Still On Pause; Stock Market Drops

Philippine Forex Trading Still On Pause; Stock Market Drops

Due to severe weather, Philippine forex trading remains paused, causing a drop in the stock market. The PSEi fell by 1.23%, influenced by Wall Street sell-offs and local economic concerns.

News 2024-07-26 13:06
eToro Adds 1,000+ UK Stocks in LSE Partnership

eToro Adds 1,000+ UK Stocks in LSE Partnership

eToro expands UK stock offerings by adding over 1,000 LSE-listed shares, enhancing user experience, and providing better pricing data in a new LSE partnership.

News 2024-07-26 10:57

Retail Trader Sentiment Update: GBP/USD, AUD/USD, USD/JPY Latest

Forex sentiment analysis: Dive into the latest data on GBP/USD, AUD/USD, and USD/JPY. How are retail traders positioned in these major pairs?

Industry 2024-07-26 08:08
Canada's Watchdog Warns Against "Topshark"

Canada's Watchdog Warns Against "Topshark"

Canada's financial watchdog, Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) has alerted investors to the unregistered online trading platform "Topshark."

Exposure 2024-07-25 18:09
UK FCA Fines CBPL £3.5M for High-Risk Customer Violations

UK FCA Fines CBPL £3.5M for High-Risk Customer Violations

The UK FCA has fined CBPL £3.5M for onboarding high-risk customers, violating regulatory requirements, and weak financial crime controls.

News 2024-07-25 18:06
Philippines Suspends FX, Bond Trading; Stocks Reopen

Philippines Suspends FX, Bond Trading; Stocks Reopen

The Philippines halts FX and bond trading but reopens the stock market after Typhoon Gaemi's impact. Safety and mobility concerns influenced the decision.

News 2024-07-25 16:54
The Debut of a New Cryptocurrency: MoonTaurus

The Debut of a New Cryptocurrency: MoonTaurus

Investors are showing interest in MoonTaurus (MNTR), a new cryptocurrency offering a projected 25x return. The MNTR token distinguishes itself with features aimed at rapid growth and substantial returns.

News 2024-07-25 16:48
Interactive Brokers Elevates Portfolio Management with Innovative Retirement Planner

Interactive Brokers Elevates Portfolio Management with Innovative Retirement Planner

Interactive Brokers has recently enhanced its portfolio management tool by adding a retirement planner, significantly upgrading its existing platform.

News 2024-07-25 16:43
Is Volume Profile a Good Indicator?

Is Volume Profile a Good Indicator?

The Volume Profile shows the amount of volume traded at different price intervals over a specified period. It is displayed as horizontal bars, usually overlaid on the price chart. Each horizontal bar represents the volume that occurred in that price range over a specified time. The Volume Profile can be set to the current session, such as that day, or multiple sessions, like the total Volume Profile for the last twenty days.

News 2024-07-25 16:39
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